'vielleicht stehen wir hier auf der Wiege der Kultur.'
Klaus Schmidt'Göbekli Tepe ist ein archäologisches Wunder.'
Avi Gopher'Erst kam der Tempel, dann die Stadt.' Klaus Schmidt
'Die architektonische Komplexität der Strukturen ist somit höchst ungewöhnlich.'
Avi Gopher'Göbekli Tepe verändert alles.'
Ian Hodder'Göbekli Tepe ist ein 'Kathedrale auf einem Hügel.'
Klaus Schmidt
Taş Tepeler
c. 8,000 to 10,800 BC
The literal bedrock of history, Taş Tepeler is the newly discovered neolithic sites belonging to Southeast Anatolia, and the fertile crescent.
c. 7500 to 6400 BC
Ҫatalhöyük is one of the largest Neolithic, egalitarian settlements ever discovered. Built more than 9000 years ago in modern Konya Plain, central Turkey,
c. 3.800 BC
Ġgantija is a megalithic temple complex from the Neolithic era (c. 3600–2500 BC), on the Mediterranean island of Gozo in Malta.
c. 3100 BC
Stonehenge is a Neolithic / Bronze Age monument located on Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, southern England.
Pyramids of Giza
c. 2600 BC
The three Pyramids of Giza were built during the Fourth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, between 2600 and 2500 BC.
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