Harbetsuvan Hill is similar to the acropolises built on the hills near the ancient Greek cities. It was established in a mountainous region called the Tek Tek Mountains, at an altitude of about 714 m above sea level.
Research carried out in Şanlıurfa since 1997 has led to the discovery of many cult centers symbolized by “T”-shaped pillars in the region.
You may have heard of these discovered cult centers with the name Taş Tepeler or Stone Hills many times. The most famous of these cult centers are Göbeklitepe and Karahantepe.
Harbetsuvan Tepe (Harbetsuvan Hill), which is approximately 7 km from Karahantepe, is built on a high hill and has a panorama that can see almost the entire Harran plain. Harbetsuvan Tepe, which was discovered for the first time during the surveys carried out in 2014, is located within the borders of the Eyyübiye district of Şanlıurfa province.
During the salvage works carried out on Harbetsuvan Hill, one of the small cult centers, in 2017, it was understood that the architecture unearthed was similar to the Göbeklitepe II layer architecture.