CARBON 14 EVIDENCE AND NEOLITHIC SITES: Dating the Architectures of Boncuklu Tarla and Göbekli Tepe

HomeCARBON 14 EVIDENCE AND NEOLITHIC SITES: Dating the Architectures of Boncuklu Tarla and Göbekli Tepe
CARBON 14 EVIDENCE AND NEOLITHIC SITES: Dating the Architectures of Boncuklu Tarla and Göbekli Tepe
Author: Dimitrios S. Dendrinos | Year: 2021

This paper is basically, but not exclusively, an updated version of two previous papers by this author, found in references [1] and [2]. It addresses some additional evidence presented by the archeologist in charge of the excavation at Boncuklu Tarla and published in reference [3]. This author was unaware of that reference, while writing the two cited papers. No revisions are required in either of the papers in references [1] and [2]. However, this paper elaborates on some of the material contained in reference [3]. In addition, this paper brings up some general points regarding the significant problems encountered when utilizing carbon-14 evidence from samples found in Neolithic sites, to date their excavated structures, especially when these structures are heavily layered. The discussion goes far beyond Boncuklu Tarla and its temple; it refers to other Neolithic sites in Anatolia and more broadly in the Levant, with special attention paid to the carbon-14 based PPNA/B dating of Gobekli Tepe.

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