Dating Göbekli Tepe
Dating Göbekli Tepe
The paper analyzes the evidence regarding the dating of the Göbekli Tepe complex. First, it examines the C14 dating information supplied by the archeologist in charge of the Göbekli Tepe excavation, Klaus Schmidt, and a number of others. This is claimed as evidence that Göbekli Tepe is of the at least PPNB period. The evidence they analyzed was obtained from both the fill, as well as from the plaster at the surface of certain Göbekli Tepe structures. The paper also examines the lithic based evidence regarding the fill at the site. Clear evidence that counters these claims is presented is presented in this paper. Although the Göbekli Tepe site can be shown to be of much later construction date than PPPNB, the paper sets as a modest aim to show that the structures at GT so far analyzed are of a later than PPNB date. Evidence covering both C14 dating, as well as architectural, urban design, urban planning, demography and art evidence is offered to back this argument. Extensive use is made of architectural elements from PPNA Natufian settlements, as well as PPNA/B settlements Hallan Cemi and Jerf el-Ahmar.