The author has spent 45 years deciphering and authenticating the Sefer Yetzirah: Book of Creation (Kaplan, 1990) as the only Kabbalistic text attributed to the prophet Abraham. It is also the only text to explain the underlying mathematics of the holiest name of God, יהוה (transliteration: Yahweh or Jehovah) that ef- fectively defines Scripture’s “owner’s manual” (Schatz, 2007; Schatz, 2012: pp. 127-131). The Kabbalistic tradition of Jewish mysticism is based on Razah D’Oraytah (“Secret of Knowledge” or “Secret of the Torah”) which articulates the notion that “The entire Torah is like an explication of, and commentary on, the Ineffable Name of God” (Scholem, 1974: p. 171; Gikatilla, 2011: p. 6).