The First Temple in Minor Asia: Gobeklitepe

HomeThe First Temple in Minor Asia: Gobeklitepe
The First Temple in Minor Asia: Gobeklitepe
Author: Ali Osman Kurt & Mehmet Emin Göler | Year: 2017

This article examines Gobeklitepe, the first temple built in Minor Asia, dating back to Neolithic Period. This temple is one of the oldest temples of man- kind, according to the archaeologists. Gobeklitepe provides us with crucial in- formation about the religious beliefs of hunter-gatherers – lacking urban life and agricultural production. This temple shows us that archaic people did not lead a life away from religion and beliefs, instead it proved that they had beliefs and constructed temples to observe their beliefs and employed rich religious symbols. Gobeklitepe is a sign that people started to build a temple first to meet their religious needs, even before adapting a settled life, constructing houses, domesticating animals, and starting agricultural production.

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