
With the discovery of Göbekli Tepe, Urfa has proven to be one of the oldest settlement in history and has been named “Zero Point of History” due to this feature. What happened in the history left countless artifacts and historical mysterious in Urfa and turned it into an open-air museum. One of the most important current mystery is why the life of Göbekli Tepe disappeared. It is an important fact that civilizations disappear not only for reasons such as war, but also due to environmental problems and sometimes, on the contrary, they have survived for many years. Based on these facts; this study aimed to draw attention to

Göbekli Tepe’s re-discovery in 1995 was a scientific sensation, especially in the field of Neolithic research. How- ever, public awareness started when Klaus Schmidt’s book “Sie bauten die ersten Tempel” was published in 2006, accompanied by more popular publications in magazines like Geo and national Geographic with spectacular night sight photography. Since then the public debate around the site on the one hand, and scientific research on the other, have taken quite different trajectories: While the popular narrative around Göbekli Tepe was built around a central neolithic meeting place with lavish work feasts, including beer brewing and the beginning of agriculture, the ongoing archaeological fieldwork is now revealing

The conservation of archaeological sites is of great importance as they provide physical remains of past civilizations. Göbekli Tepe, which is one of the most important archaeological site in human history was included in the World Heritage List in 2018. Remains in Göbekli Tepe archaeological site are enclosures surrounded by circular or rectangular wall rows, and containing monolithic T-shaped pillars in the center and peripheral walls in two layers. The aim of this study is to examine the construction technique and relations between structural elements and to define conservation problems in order to develop conservation proposals. The method of the study is the evaluation of the data collected

Nomination for Inclusion on the World Heritage List Draft Statement of Outstanding Universal Valuea. Brief SynthesisGöbekli Tepe lies some 15 km east of Şanlıurfa in the Germuş mountains (c. 770 metres above sea level) from whence it has commanding views over the Harran plain to the south, and the modern city of Şanlıurfa to the west-south-west.

The City of Şanlıurfa, located in the middle Euphrates division of the Southeast Anatolia Region, has been the centre of many civilisations due to its long settlement history. The city is considered to be the cradle of the Mesopotamian civilization. With its 11000 years of long history, the city had been controlled by the Osr hoene Kingdom, Roma n/ Bisantium, Arabs, Seljukians, Eyyubi, Karakoyunlu, the Ottoman Empire and the Modern Turkish Republic respectively. Thus these factors has had significant influence on the cultural diversity and also form of the city. In addition, as the city used to be the centre of three different religions, it has inherited very

Neolithic studies were mainly about the agriculture. However, the Neolithic was a period where all aspects of human life changed dramatically. Hence, this era must be studied in detail by various disciplines, as well as the architecture. Although small in number, there still are some studies processing the Neolithic architecture. And additionally, there are restitutions drawn for some Neolithic structures. However, the restitutions are heavily based on personal predictions and are open and vulnerable to criticism. Göbeklitepe is a stunning Neolithic find spot from Turkey. Not only by the scale of the structures excavated but also by the facts it offered, this site forced scholars to reconsider what

When the destinations are evaluated within the scope of cultural tourism, the archaeological sites in the destinations have an important place for people curious about the past. Göbeklitepe, one of these archaeological sites, is located near Örencik village of Şanlıurfa Province. As a result of the archaeological excavations made in Göbeklitepe, whose history dates back to 10,000 BC, it has been determined that the archaeological site is the oldest place of worship and settlement in Anatolia so far. As a consequence of the excavations carried out in Göbeklitepe, symbolized by "T"-shaped stones, many more figures such as animal statues, jewelry and flint tools were unearthed. Göbeklitepe, the most

Abstract This paper is a sequel to the author’s paper in reference [1]. Material here is not duplicative, thus the two papers need be read in sequence. In the earlier paper evidence was presented which established that Gobekli Tepe’s Layer III (for structure D) part of the monument, the oldest structure (excavated thus far) at Gobekli Tepe (GT), is post PPNB construction. This paper adds more to that evidence, and proposes a date for GT’s initial Phase for structure D: late Mesolithic. Specifically, the paper expands on refuting the generally accepted dating of GT, evidence that is based on carbon-14 dating of enclosure C, set at 7560 – 7370 BC

About 15 kilometres to the northeast of the modern metropolis of Şanlıurfa in southeastern Turkey, the tell of Göbekli Tepe is situated on the highest point of the barren Germuş mountain range. This mound with a height of 15 metres and an area of about 9 hectares is completely man-made – covering what has to be considered the earliest yet known monumental architecture constructed by humankind, raised by intentionally burying it about 12,000 years ago. Since 1995 annual excavation work has been conducted under the direction of Prof. Klaus Schmidt from the German Archaeological Institute. After his death in 2014 excavations were continued by his team led by

Recent fieldwork in the main excavation area at Göbekli Tepe has focused on the excavation of deep soundings to reach the natural bedrock in preparation for the construction of a shelter, urgently required for the protection of the exposed Neolithic architecture. Eleven deep soundings have been excavated to the bedrock. At several locations, considerable amounts of carbonized botanical material were discovered, so far unique for excavations at Göbekli. A series of more than 150 samples has been produced either on site or by flotation of the relevant soil units. To test the quality of the material for radiocarbon dating, five samples from the area of the large enclosures

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