
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text el_class="tour_text"]In a time of uncertainty, confusion and chaos it bodes us well to consult with our ancient ancestors. Anatolia is the true cradle of civilisation from whence we emerged. It is time for a home-coming, for orientation and direction, only possible by connecting with our primordial roots. Our home for this inner and outer exploration will be Sanliufra, an ancient city of the prophets. From there we will travel by private bus to the sacred sites in and around the age-old city.  Paul will offer talks. Yücel will be our trusted cultural guide.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text="HIGHLIGHTS:" font_container="tag:div|font_size:24px|text_align:left" google_fonts="font_family:Duru%20Sans%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal" el_class="tour_heading"][cq_vc_dagallery images="16382,16383,16384" gallerywidth="100%" width="220" height="230" margin="30" color="#ffffff" background="#00bfff" thumb_class="threeimgpopup"][vc_column_text el_class="tour_text"]GÖBEKLITEPE, A 12,800 YEAR

A Journey to Navel of Creation: On the Precipice of the Primordial. 9-day seminar travel to womb of Humanity: 16th — 24th November, 2024   In a time of uncertainty, confusion and chaos it bodes us well to consult with our ancient ancestors. Anatolia is the true cradle of civilisation from whence we emerged. It is time for a home-coming, for orientation and     direction, only possible by connecting with our primordial roots. Our home for this inner and outer exploration will be Sanliufra, an ancient city of the prophets. From there we will travel by private bus to the sacred sites in and around the age-old city.  Paul will offer talks. Yücel will

Auf den Spuren der Göttlichen Weiblichkeit Eine 9-tägige Reise durch Ephesos und West-Anatolien Mit Paul Skorpen (spiritueller Reisebegleiter) & Yücel Temirodaman (kultureller Reisebegleiter) 01.— 10. NOVEMBER 2024 Die ganze Welt erlebt gerade eine tiefe Transformation, einen großen Paradigmenwechsel. Chaos und Unsicherheit können zwar zu Ängsten führen, aber die Geburt einer neuen Ära ist ohne Unordnung nicht möglich. Lange Zeit wurde die Welt von Männern beherrscht. Unterstützt von den Weltreligionen dominierten patriarchalische Gesellschaftsformen und Puritanismus. Dieses extreme Ungleichgewicht zwischen männlicher und weiblicher Energie führt zu einem Kollaps unserer persönlichen und sozialen Strukturen. In Ländern wie Ägypten und Anatolien (die Geburtsstätten der Zivilisation) spielte die Göttliche Weiblichkeit einst eine tragende Rolle. Über Jahrtausende

The entire world is undergoing a transformation, a thorough ‘paradigm shift.’ And although chaos and uncertainty can result in anxiety, disorder is required for the birth of a new era. The world has long been characterised by male dominance. Supported by the world’s religions, patriarchy and puritanism have prevailed. This extreme imbalance is leading to a collapse of our personal and social institutions. Celsus Library in Ephesus, Turkey Not long ago the Divine Feminine play the primary role in lands such as Egypt and Anatolia (the two cradles of civilization). Goddesses such as Isis and Asherah were worshipped in the Near East, and in Anatolia the veneration of the Original Mother,

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